Friday 15 October 2010

Potential Performers for Music Video

The performer, Kyle, who will be taking the main, leading role as Wretch 32 was chosen by the group because we believed he had the key appearance to that we were looking for in the artist. This is due to our assurities that he fits into the conventional ideology and stereotype of what you would conceive an artist within this genre to look like, so we thought he would consequently be the best representation of the artist Wretch that we could find. We felt that he had all the features and attributes to depict a realistic and most importantly believable grime artist, therefore he would be an ideal performer to use for him.

Kalise we believe has key features as well to displaying a great image for Wretch's partner and being an appropriate, believable actress that would be able to illustrate companionship between the couple vividly. She not only has the looks but also, along with Kyle, has a certain amount of knowledge into the field of music, film and media; and therefore would also be suitable to work with in order to display an excellent and fitting embodiment of the character she is acting as.

Tara was also another actress we considered of filling the role of Wretch's partner, as we believed she fulfilled the necessary requirements both in image yet also in belief and realism. This is as she possesses great skill and ability in theatre and drama, and therefore could be able to perform top level acting supporting the realism and immersion of the performance.

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