Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Marxist Approach

Marxism and the Media

Karl Marx, the founder of Marxist theory believed that the media and its messages could be used for good in right hands. However, in the hands of what he called the Dominant Ideology the message could have a dangerously influential and controlling effect on the masses.

The Dominant Ideology

The ideological forces that determine how society functions. Marxists believe that all-powerful institutions subtly control how we, the masses, conduct our lives within society.

What are these dominant institutions?

These dominant and governing institutions range from organisations/ industries such as the Press, the Media, Television, Internet, Music industries etc. The Press being a vilification of some of those mentioned groups.

The Media’s Message

Marxists believe that the media plays a significant part in controlling the masses and some would say as an institution it is a greater influence on society than religion, politics and the family (nature over nurture). The supposed subtle dominance with which the media control the masses is also known as hegemonic control.


This was an ideological concept first introduced by Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci. He believed that the media message could perform a subtle indoctrination, influencing the manner in which society viewed the world until the message becomes ‘common sense’, unchallenged by the masses. Hegemonic control is an acceptance of the ‘status quo’.

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